Saturday, September 2, 2017

UK: Turkish Airlines pilot refuses to take off after finding out Afghan asylum seeker being forcibly deported

The flight did eventually take off 45 minutes later - but Mr Bigzad, who works in construction, was taken off the plane beforehand.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desl
Source/Credit: The Sun
By John Shammas | August 29, 2017

The flight was delayed for 45 minutes after the pilot reportedly told guards: 'You're not going to take him, I'm not flying'

Samim Bigzad, 22, was booked on a commercial flight from Heathrow destined for his home country after failing to prove that he was facing execution at the hands of the Taliban.

But the Turkish Airlines pilot would not take off, reportedly telling guards: "You're not going to take him, I'm not flying.

"Someone's life is at risk."

Mr Bigzad came to Britain two years ago after reaching a Calais migrant camp.

As he was being escorted onto the plane, he allegedly shouted at immigration officers: "I'm going to get killed in Afghanistan."

The flight did eventually take off 45 minutes later - but Mr Bigzad, who works in construction, was taken off the plane beforehand.

In the lead up to take-off, campaigners allegedly informed passengers checking in for the flight that the plane was taking part in a "forcible deportation".

It is claimed they hoped to influence the plane's crew.

A petition campaigning for him to remain in the country read: "He is trying to remain positive and is always so grateful for any small gesture of kindness.

"Sam is not just a number, not just a statistic – he's a shy, lovely, funny, polite and harmless young man who needs our help.

"Sam likes cricket, Ted the cat, history and learning English.

"I hear from him via text most days. He's still managing to be positive."

Speaking to The Independent, campaign organiser Bridget Chapman said: "We asked people to do whatever they were comfortable with raising it with airline staff.

"Airport security asked us to stop after a while, but by that point most people had boarded."

European Union aviation laws state that a pilot is ultimately in charge of who can and cannot travel on the plane.

A Home Office spokesman refused to comment.

Read original post here: UK: Turkish Airlines pilot refuses to take off after finding out Afghan asylum seeker being forcibly deported

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