Tuesday, August 25, 2015

UK: Shroud of Turin Expert Barrie Schwortz Invited to Speak at Ahmadiyya Muslim Annual Convention

We are truly grateful to Review Editor Amer Safir, his staff and the Ahmadiyya community for this wonderful invitation and will include a full report on the event in our Fall Update.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: Cross-post from Shroud.com
By Barrie Schwortz | August 16, 2015

In their May 2015 Issue, the highly respected London based publication, The Review of Religions, reprinted two of my Shroud articles and published two new articles about the Sudarium by staff writer Arif Khan. The 113 year old magazine (in print since 1902) is published by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the U.K., a global organization dedicated to promoting interfaith understanding. This marks the third time since 2002 that the editors have reprinted some of my work and their May issue also included a large selection of my 1978 photographs. The issue was received very favorably by its readers and the publishers graciously invited me to attend and speak at their 49th annual Jalsa Salana UK Convention in Hampshire, England, later this month.

As soon as I received the invitation, I contacted our dear friend Pam Moon in West Midlands, England, who created the beautiful Shroud of Turin Exhibition which she tours regularly around the U.K. and she graciously agreed to bring her exhibit to the Hampshire event as well. This marks the first time either Pam or I have ever spoken to an Islamic group so I asked the organizers to provide us with some background information about their community and their annual convention, which had more than 30,000 attendees last year. The materials they provided were excellent and I felt it was important to share them here with you. We start with a link to their Love For All, Hatred For None website, which clearly reflects the Ahmadiyya community's underlying philosophy and point of view. Next is a link to the BBC coverage of their 2013 Convention along with some photographs from the 2014 Jalsa Convention. You can also watch a short video documentary (11:42) that expresses the Ahmadiyya view on the Shroud of Turin and a longer, more in depth one hour program titled, Islam Ahmadiyyat - Revival of Faith, that I found very informative. We are truly grateful to Review Editor Amer Safir, his staff and the Ahmadiyya community for this wonderful invitation and will include a full report on the event in our Fall Update.

Read original post here: UK: Barrie Schwortz Invited to Speak at 49th Annual Ahmadiyya Muslim Annual Convention

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